Get to know me tag

Hi! My name is Amela Zahirović. My main goal with this blog is to inspire and help you to be a better person for both yourself and others. I am promoting a healthy lifestyle wich means eating healthy, being physically active, sleeping well, filling your time with useful things, being environmentally conscious. 

Here are some random questions about me answered. 💞

1. What year were you born?
2001. 👼

2. Where do you currently live?
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe 

3. Tea or Coffee?
Tea because coffee is unhealthy, addicting and I don't really like the taste of it. 😉

4. What are your life goals?
To make a lot of beautiful experiences, have a family, be a good person and be happy. 💕

5. What is your favorite movie?
There is so many movies I love I can't choose one, but first one that came to my mind is Wonder.

6. Who are your favorite YouTubers?
Jeffree Star and Shane Dawson. 👍

7. Are you single or taken?
I am single. I don't feel like I need that in my life right now. 

8. How would you describe your fashion sense?
Simple and basic shirt and jeans with outstanding and luxurious looking jewelry, bag, shoes and jacket. That would be my perfect outfit. 👌

9. What is your go-to hairstyle?
Straightened hair. ❤

10. Do you have any siblings?
I have an older sister. 👭

11. What are your morning, evening routines?
My morning routine is getting up early, having a breakfast and doing few exercises. Evening routine includes having a dinner, watching a tv and going to bed early.

12. What is the craziest thing you have done?
There's a lot of those and I can't say most of them but I'll tell you this one because my parents found out about it already... Last year I skipped classes in school so much just because I was so annoyed by it that they called my parents to tell them. 😏

13. What is your favorite genre of film and why?
Comedy and drama. Comedy because I like to laugh and forget about my problems, drama because it often makes me think about some important things.

14. What was your dream job as a kid?
To be a model. 😆

15. What do you do in your free time?
Educate myself about things that I'm interested in, exercise, cook, watch tv...

16. Do you know your personality type? What is it?
INTP-T (Logician)

17. What are your favorite values in friends?
Respect, acceptance, understanding, helping, loyalty...

18. What social media are you addicted to?
Instagram 📱

19. Do you have any bad habits?
Procrastinating and forgetting to do things.

20. How tall are you?
1.65 🙈


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